Community Hub
Welcome to our Community Hub! We’re here to connect you with trusted services and support, whether you’re a patient or a local resident. Explore the sections below to find help with health, housing, family, finances, and more. You’re not alone—let’s find the support you need.

- Next Link Domestic Abuse Services: Support for those experiencing domestic abuse in Bristol.
- Women's Aid: National organisation offering advice and support for domestic abuse survivors.
- Victim Support: Help for victims of crime across the UK.
Access to Transport
- TravelWest: Transport services and travel advice for Bristol and the West of England.
- Community Transport Bristol: Accessible and affordable transport for those in need.
Accommodation and Tenancy Support
- Bristol City Council Housing Advice: Help with housing issues and tenancy support in Bristol.
- Shelter: National housing and homelessness charity.
- Cruse Bereavement Support: National service offering bereavement counselling and support.
- The Harbour: Local Bristol-based support for grief and terminal illness.
Carer Support
- Carers Support Centre Bristol and South Gloucestershire: Support for unpaid carers in the Bristol area.
- Carers UK: National organisation providing advice and advocacy for carers.
Community Safety
- Neighbourhood Watch: Crime prevention and neighbourhood safety initiatives.
- SARI (Stand Against Racism & Inequality): Support for victims of hate crimes and discrimination.
Cultural and Faith-Based Support
- Bristol Multi-Faith Forum: Promoting collaboration and understanding between faith groups in Bristol.
- Bristol Refugee Rights: Cultural and practical support for refugees.
- Inter Faith Network for the UK: National organisation fostering interfaith cooperation.
Digital Inclusion
- Bristol Digital Futures Institute: Supporting digital accessibility and innovation in Bristol.
- Good Things Foundation: National charity helping people improve digital skills.
Education and Training
- Bristol City Council Adult Learning: Local courses for adults in Bristol.
- Learn Direct: National online and in-person adult learning provider.
- English for Action (EFA): Local ESOL classes to help improve English skills.
Employment Support
- Step Together: Bristol-based charity helping people find employment.
- National Careers Service: Support for career advice and job searching across the UK.
Environmental Support and Sustainability
- Bristol Green Capital Partnership: Local initiatives for sustainability in Bristol.
- Transition Bristol: Community-led sustainability projects.
- Keep Britain Tidy: National organisation promoting environmental action.
Family Support
- Families in Focus: Support programmes for families in Bristol.
- Family Lives: National organisation offering advice for family challenges.
- Bristol Food Network: Local organisation promoting food security and sustainability in Bristol.
- The Trussell Trust: National foodbank network.
- St Mungo’s: Homelessness charity offering support in Bristol and beyond.
- Caring in Bristol: Local organisation supporting homeless individuals in Bristol.
- The Homeless Health Service: Healthcare support for homeless people.
Legal Advice
- Avon & Bristol Law Centre: Free legal aid for housing, family law, and immigration issues.
- Citizens Advice Bristol: Advice on legal, financial, and social issues.
- Rights of Women: Legal advice for women across the UK.
Lifestyle Problems
- We Are With You: Support for addiction recovery and lifestyle changes.
- Bristol ROADS: Alcohol and drug recovery services in Bristol.
Loneliness and Isolation
- Bristol Befriending Scheme: Befriending services for older adults in Bristol.
- The Marmalade Trust: Tackling loneliness through social connection.
Mental and Physical Health Support
- Bristol Mind: Local charity providing mental health support.
- NHS Every Mind Matters: National mental health advice and resources.
Money Advice
- Citizen’s Advice Bristol: Free advice on finances, benefits, and legal issues.
- StepChange: National charity offering debt management support.
- Home-Start Bristol: Support for families with young children in Bristol.
- Action for Children: National organisation supporting children and families.
Practical Support
- Volunteer Bristol: Connecting people to volunteering opportunities in Bristol.
- Age UK Bristol: Practical help and advice for older adults.
Refugee and Asylum Seeker Support
- Bristol Refugee Rights: Help with housing, legal issues, and cultural integration.
- Refugee Council: National organisation supporting refugees and asylum seekers.
- Asylum Aid: Legal aid and support for asylum seekers.
- Bristol Hospitality Network: Local support for asylum seekers through housing and community.
Support for Young People
- Off the Record Bristol (OTR): Mental health services for young people aged 11–25.
- Bristol Youth Connects: Local activities and support for young people.
- The Prince’s Trust: National organisation helping young people with jobs and skills.