Register as a new patient at Charlotte Keel Medical Practice

We are welcoming new patients!

We proudly serve a diverse community from all parts of the world and all walks of life. We take great pride in delivering excellent healthcare to our local community.

Registration is quick, easy and can be done online.

CKMP Community 2025

No barriers to care

  • You don’t need ID, proof of address, immigration status, or an NHS number to register.

  • Everyone is welcome—our priority is your health.


Need Support?

If you need help filling out the form or require a large-print version, just let us know. Our team is here to help.

Contact us by phone, email, or visit the reception desk for assistance.

How to register as a new patient

How to Register

It’s easy to register as a patient. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Complete the New Patient Registration Form online using this link.

Or, collect a paper form from reception.

  1. Once we receive your form, we’ll send you a text asking you to visit the practice to complete your registration.
  2. During your visit, use our self-care area to record your height, weight, and blood pressure.
Our catchment area

Our Practice Area

If you live within our practice area, you can register with us.

Our practice area includes: Easton, Eastville, St Judes, St Agnes, St Pauls, St Werburghs, Montpelier, Hotwells, Clifton, Redland, Westbury Park, Bishopston, Horfield, Stapleton, and most of Fishponds, Speedwell, St George, Redfield, Lawrence Hill, and Barton Hill.

Check your postcode using our Online Registration Form

Registering online as a non-English speaker

You can find guidance and advice on how to become a new patient and the NHS healthcare services you can access, if your first language is not English, or if you’re an asylum seeker on the Government website. 

Go to the NHS entitlements migrant health page on the Government website.

Registering as a temporary patient

Visiting or Need Temporary Care?

If you’re visiting the area and need medical care, we can register you as a temporary patient for up to three months. Temporary patients can access the same level of care as permanent patients.

To register as a temporary patient:

  • Contact us or another local GP practice.
  • You can receive emergency treatment for up to 14 days without registering as a temporary patient.

Temporary registration does not affect your registration with your permanent GP.

Registering children

Children under 16 need to be registered by their parent or guardian. You can do this by completing the online GP surgery registration form on their behalf. You will need to provide a form of ID to prove that you’re their parent or guardian.

What to do if you’re registering on behalf of someone else

If you are a carer of young children, elderly adults or adults who aren’t able to register themselves, you can set up an account on their behalf. This will allow you to book an appointment and access parts of their GP online services account.

Change of address

If you are moving house, please let us know as soon as possible. If you are moving out of the surgery’s catchment area, you may be asked to register with a surgery that’s closer to your new home address.

You can contact us online to let us know about a change in your address.

Please also let us know if your telephone number or email address changes.

Disabled Patient Facilities

At the surgery reserved car parking spaces for people with disabilities are available near the front doors. Wheelchair access to the building is available at both entrances. A toilet for the use of patients with disabilities is located in the waiting area.   

If access proves difficult to any of our disabled patients please contact us as we would be happy to consider any suggestions for improvement.

Your Named GP

Your Named GP

When you register, you will be assigned a named GP who will have overall responsibility for your care. However, you can still book appointments with any of our clinicians. All our staff have access to your medical records to ensure seamless care.

If you’d like to know your named GP or request a change, please ask at reception. We’ll do our best to accommodate your preferences.

Contact us

You can contact us for more help.